The Walled City of Lahore, officially called the “Androon Shehr” is administered by Walled City Lahore Authority (WCLA). The area majorly consists of lower middle class families who depend on single male bread winners. Most of them are now jobless because of Covid-19 lockdown and prevailing economic situation.WCLA has started an initiative, “Adopt a Family”, to assist the marginalized and needy families of the Walled City Lahore. WCLA along with the technical support of Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) have launched this application to make vulnerable families directly accessible to potential donors for financial support during these tough times.Donors can register themselves through this application. After due verification and approval by WCLA team, a deserving family will be assigned to the donor. Once done, donor will be able to see the assigned familys basic information (name, contact number etc.) and can then directly contact the family to provide donation/help. The application provides an option to donor to enter details of help (cash or in-kind) provided to the family.